Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Work update...Today was pretty cool. I was FINALLY able to get all of my work done and get all of the freight put away. So now there isn't a bazillion and six boxes lying all over the place looking raggady. I still forgot to dust(yest dust) off the sunglasses(again) but there's always next time. I don't think I'm ever going to get off while it's daylight EVER again. I'll get over it. I kinda like the night crew better than the day crew anyways since they are more "colorful" LOL. No shananagins tonight to speak of other than this one lady cleared out like four rings from me like 2 mins. till close and I didn't get to put new ones out.
Iv'e been soooo tired lately. I just realized that I really do need to start taking my breaks. It just doesn't seem like I'm doing that much work though. At least not until I get home that night and sit down for like three mins. or so. Eventually I'll start to remember to take my breaks like I'm supposed to.