Sunday, March 28, 2004

Scooby Doo 2 is a pretty good least better than I thought it would be. They even had some adult jokes in it. I FINALLY got to sit around and do nothing today. I didn't even have to cook. Now this was a productive day. I got to see a movie, not cook and didn't have to do anything else. I think I'm accually ready to start my week tomorrow. Although I would rather stay home and do nothing again than have to go to work. Oh well, I'll get over it.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

I ran across a new browser today, it's called Phaseout. It's totally customizable and has different skins that go with it. It combines your email program with messenger along with tabbed browsing that Netscape and Mozilla has. I like it so far....

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Well my day of relaxation was shot to crap. I spent the day running around and got only a few hours of rest which would be better described as sleep since it didn't happen until that night. On the bright side, I did FINALLY finish the book I was reading Sieze The Night. It was GREAT and I'm not saying that because I am a fan of Dean Koontz. This was very interesting and I like the way the story plays out....."not forwards, not backwards but sideways."

Monday, March 22, 2004

Tomorrow I'll FINALLY have a day of relaxation. Hopefully I won't have any visitors to share the house with. I just need a little time alone. I've started to do a Home Interiors book show. I've already sold quite a bit and am thinking about selling it myself. I've done it before but I'm not sure if I want to try it again. The first time I did, I ended up spending more out of pocket than planned so I had to put it on hold for a while. Well, I'm still doing my Pilates workout program and it seems to be doing pretty well so far. If only I can stop drinking all those wonderful caffene drinks(tea, colas, etc.) I'd be doing better. On the bright side I am doing better at the food control part of my diet though.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

I went to see a friends newborn baby tonight and he is sooo cute!!! AWWW!!! He even knew my voice...He was turning his head and everything. I luv babies. Especially since I can just spoil him to death and send him home to his momma.. LOL

I really need to get on the ball about getting back into school. I've been accepted and everything I just need to go and take the entrance exam and pay for everything. Not trying to be cheap or anything, but it costs alot more $ to go to school now than it did when I was a 1st year freshman a few years ago at GSU. Now that was an enjoyable year while I was there. That school is truly in a college town. All that was there was the school, 3gas sations, a liquer store and the few families that lived in there and I do mean a few.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Tonight I am just sooo tired n junk. I've been running around all day long. I've been up since like 9am or something like that. Today WAS supposed to be an offday but I've yet to really relax. Hopefully next week I'll get a day off in the middle of the week so that I can just sit back and do nothing for a few hours around the house.....I know I'm still kinda young but MAYAN!! I'm just beat...I need a vacation. I wonder how much it would be to go to Disney World or something like that....SCRATCH THAT.... just paying for that will geve me a whole new headache....

Friday, March 19, 2004

I finally found a free shoutbox...ok so I'm frugal LOL so feel free to post your comments/bla bla/yakity smakity, links, email addys etc on there. Have fun!!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Today I was a little upset with myself...I forgot to bring my camera along with me when I went to work so I could take some more b/w photos to post. I really enjoy taking photos more than I thought I would. So I guess my project for tomorrow will be looking for things to take b/w photos of for my gallery-which is still a photo pg since I'm still working on it. I don't know exactly how large this thing is going to be since I keep taking photos like a crazy person LOL. I'm currently looking for a tagboard since I want to have something kinda interesting on here aside from my incredulous thoughts...LOL...
Well I have got to sart getting out more LOL...I went out for my cousins b-day last night. I had some of the "bar" rum(later I found out it's cheap) and I was soooooo sick that night. luckily, I didn't get a hangover though(thank goodness) I just didn't feel well after my 3rd drink like I had some bad food or somethin. So lesson learned....Don't drink the bar liquer just so you don't have to pay full price...there's a reason why it's called the "bar liquer" stick w/the brands you know and luv i.e. Bacardi, Smernoff, etc.. that way you won't feel sick for the rest of the night and kill the whole mood of the no more $2 drinks for me!!!! G'Night

Monday, March 15, 2004

O K it's official... I need another monitor. Only after three days of "shared"'s getting overheated. That is sooo crazy. I've gotten a couple more shots for my photo gallery(more like photo pg until I get a chance to work on it) I have a pic of a Mystic drink bottle. I know it's wierd right? Oh well, I guess I can deal with being werid. I'm going to keep it short so the monitor won't go out in the middle of my blogging tonight..G'nite!!!!
Well my manual labor is least for now. I think I've successfully pawned it off on my brother to help my mom out. I am soooooo tired from helping out today. The sad thing is, other than helping my mom out my weekend was rather uneventful. I didn't do anything special aside from trying to finish my book "Sieze the Night" by Dean Koontz. It's a very interesting book about genetic testing, time machines, and the government gone wrong....very wrong. It's a good read though, I like it. I can't wait to finish this one so I can read "Intensity" by the same author. From what I've heard, that one was great.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Well now that I've cleaned up my blog a little I'm going to go to bed now. Tomorrow: help my mom with her house (WAAHHH!!) I really don't want to do any manual labor but since I promised I guess I'd better go. G'nite!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Ok I'm definitely going to finish my blog setup tonight so that Idon't have to worry about doing it anymore. I'm also going to be adding images to my gallery. I'm really getting into taking pictures since I got a digi-cam for this past christmas. I acted like a total fool when I got it since I've been wanting one since the first time that I saw the camera watch in a commercial one day. I completely reverted to a six year old after I opened it up and saw what it was. My brother-in-law is my official subject since he's rather photogenic.
Well I have succeeded in getting my images online!!! WOO HOO!!! OONAGEE...LOL(u'd have to be a "friends" fan to get that one LOL) well I'll add some more pic's probably tomorrow or Sunday because I'm SOOO SLEEPY!!!

Friday, March 12, 2004

Today I've learned a little bit about mod chips for your X-box and PS2. My brother-in-law has got me hooked on watching Tech Tv. This guy called in saying that he is using a server as his home computer. He shelled out 10g's for this thing and has it mounted to a wall in his home. It's 2 terra-byte hard drive among other things. I was just like O K ...LOL. I've been trying to get my photo blog going this week (which has become an arduous task) and I think I'm really close to getting it going.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

I've just spoken to an old online friend if there is such a thing. It's crazy like I've known this person forever. We just bla, bla, bla, bla until one of us passes out. They're such a cool person. Poor guy he just has all drama with people online(stalkers n' such). I have the same problem too but it's like they're a magnet.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Tomorrow, I'm going to start my new weight loss plan. I know I know I shouldn't do diets and I'm not-I'm just going to excersize and just be more active all around. I ordered the Pilates program got it today and I'm looking forward to working my tail off. Hopefully it'll be $40 well spent.

Ok, apparantly putting a mirror onto a dresser can be a pain in the ass...I'm just going to call the store and see if they can do it. This crap is rediculous. I now have to get new drill bits since the screws that came with the dresser stripped the bit. ^%&**&%$$#@#&!$@$#!!! Lesson learned...always use somebody elses drill to put together furniture.
I heard the most repulsive news today.....A man molested a six month old BABY girl!! @#&$^%*@&$^# WHAT THE @#%@?!?!?! BTW...I find that to be sooooo gross nasty. I thought that the friend that told me that was somehow wrong until I looked it up for myself. I found that it is true(I was in denial) and this guy saw fit to email it to people. Here's the link to the article if you wnat to see it for yourself. 2 Month old victim

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

I just read a couple of articles about all of the things that are going on with the hatian government. Truly I feel bad for those people since they are in such turmoil as far as thier government goes-not like the US is perfect but it's better than nothing-I just find it a little hard to see why one would continually elect a president that will suddenly flee the country and allow himself to be exiled and ousted in that community. What kind of leader would just abandon his people like that????? I just don't see the logic beyond the fact that he's trying to stay alive to lead again one day.
My heart goes out to all of those Marines and other branches of our millitary that are having to go out to all of these other countries and try to keep peace and protect all of them from the "terrorists" (for lack of better word) that keep things stirred up and keep leaders and other important people in their country so afraid for their lives that they're willing to flee.

Monday, March 01, 2004

OK apparently finding a gallery to use for my blog is more tedious that I first thought. ...Moving along....I finally got my car...a 93' Grand Am. I LUV that car(at least for now) I want to do a lot of things with it but I know that won't be possible since I don't know how to work on cars which means I'll have to shell out some cash to get things done. Oh well I'll get over it. Today was gorgeous outside and I was so loving the breeze; even though it was almost knocking me over.