Thursday, March 18, 2004

Well I have got to sart getting out more LOL...I went out for my cousins b-day last night. I had some of the "bar" rum(later I found out it's cheap) and I was soooooo sick that night. luckily, I didn't get a hangover though(thank goodness) I just didn't feel well after my 3rd drink like I had some bad food or somethin. So lesson learned....Don't drink the bar liquer just so you don't have to pay full price...there's a reason why it's called the "bar liquer" stick w/the brands you know and luv i.e. Bacardi, Smernoff, etc.. that way you won't feel sick for the rest of the night and kill the whole mood of the no more $2 drinks for me!!!! G'Night

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