Tuesday, April 20, 2004

This past week has just been crazy!! First, my sponsor for Home Interiors got an attitude with me because I didn't wanna shell out 5bucks for some books I didn't even need. After we had already discussed it and I said I didn't want them. Then, I log into my account for Home Interiors, and it tells me that my credit is less than it was at first, plus I can't use my bank account to pay for orders that I send in. Of course I was furious at that point. So, of course I have to call my sposor since I wanted to be cooperative and go through the proper chain of commmand, and she tells me that since all of the managers are out of town for the weekend, I'll just have to wait until Sunday when they get back. I'm like ok fine they're out of town, but I can't do anything on SUNDAY...Home Interiors is CLOSED@#$^@#%!!!! So of course I was just like "whatever" so I could get off of the phone with this woman before I flew off of the handle for no reason. So I found another way to pay for it but it has me going through way more than I want to just to place an order.

Last Night I had to make a mad dash to the bank so that I could put the $ in the bank for my loan payment. I hope everything turned out ok since I haven't had a chance to check it. Especially since I would look rather bad with my first payment it bounces LOL...that would be really bad LOL...

My job is kickin my asss...I'm getting a stress headache just writing about it. It's a shame that I feel so horrible going to work everyday. That's part of the reason that I'm tryng to go back to school. I'd rather be in the career that I'd enjoy rather than be harassed on a daily for a job I could really care less about. Hopefully soon I'll be able to just say F U!!! to my current job and move on with my life at another company until I start and finish school.

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