Well tonight I was off but had to stop in for a few things. There was this lady and her kids in the middle of the asile and I said "excuse me" nobody moved they kept talking so I said it again the woman said ok and still nobody moved. So then I said it kinda loud and she decided to glare at me like I gave a crap. I mean c'mon...personally I thought I was being nice by not just pushing one of them out of my way.
NEXT...a guy is at the Jewelry counter getting a ring for is soon to be fiance and he's being all cheap trying to get her a thirty dollar, ruby birthstone ring for an engagement ring. Since I wasn't on the clock, I was able to give my honest opinion when asked. I said "HE** NAW" don't go in there w/that crap!!! My co-workers were cracking up at me but I was so serious
NEXT...a customer had a check that he printed up at home and didn't understand why they couldn't use it to pay for their items. They tried to explain to them that anyone who got their account number could easily get the routing number and then print up checks at home. Genius decided to get irate and yells at the manager "I will befriend this policy! I don't appreciate it at all! Maybe I won't shop here anymore!!" ok now I'm hoping that I wasn't the only one who realized that BEFRIEND didn't belong in that little tirade
School update...well by the end of this year I WILL be in school since the wonderful and oh so friendly IRS took my little return and applied it to my old student loan. Which I'm not all that mad about since it's finally over and done with. I'm just mad I couldn't afford to pay them on my own. Oh well too late. I'm thinking of just going back to my original passion in Architecture since EVERYTHING dealing with computers is sooooo saturated, the chance of me accually getting a job seems to be slim to none. So my passion has officially won. For now anyways. The more I think about it the more the decision becomes clouded. I'll get it together...kinda have to since I'm spending my own $ on it.
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