Thursday, August 26, 2004

Fortunately, I was able to take advantage of the tax-free weekend. WOO HOO!!! I talked my BF into getting a jersey for himself. He didn't want to get it but I told im that since the taxes were off, plus the jersey istelf was only 60 buks he'd NEVER find that kinda deal ever again in life. So, he got the jersey from Hibbet Sports and the sales people were very nice. I'll be shopping there again.

This past weekend, we found some Converse for my daughter and they were buy one get one free!!! I was soooo happy about that!! Especially since her shoes were only $22 that was like the BEST DEAL EVER!! Even though they were just chucks.

Friday, August 13, 2004

This weekend MO is doing a TAX-FREE sale!!! I was a little confused when I first found out because I'm like ok what details are with this because I know that They wouldn't just let us loose with a tax free thing over the weekend and not put any stipulations on it . Then on the news, they gave out all of the details. The purchase has to be for clothing, school supplies and one other thing they said. Then, it has to be under $100 to qualify-I think that one was for those who have more than enough $ to throw at this kind of thing and will buy the store LOL.

The stores are estimating that it'll be like christmas as far as the crowds are concerned. Plus, there are alot of stores that are doing back-to-school sales anyway. Some of the department stores have huge sales going along with it too. I'm supposed to be going to the mall today so I'll get to see 1st hand how it's going to be.....I'm not all that excited though because after all that, I remembered that I'm broke this weekend WAAAAHHHHH!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Today I got some REALLY bad news. My best friend's(even tho we don't speak alot) lil bro. just passed today. I'm very saddened by this especially since he didn't get a chance to go away to college or have children or be stalked by crazy women yet. I hate that he didn't get a chance to have any of the experiences that I have even though I'm only 25. So, I'm hoping that the short while that he spend on this earth was a decent time since he didn't get a chance to make up for anything that he may have done. I hope that his soul will rest peacefully now that all of it is over. I don't know what the illness that he had was but apparantly it was worse than any of us was prepared for. I truly hate that we weren't as close as I would've liked but I guess that comes with us all growing up and moving on with our lives. Some odd reason, for like the past couple of weeks, he'd been on my mind anyways. Or at least his mother was. I almost went by to visit a couple of times. I guess that's what I get for not stopping by to say hello. I now have to deal with a friend not living past 21 and it being strictly for health reasons. I can't imagine being able to live w/out my lil bro if it were me. I don't get why he had to be so sick at such a young age. Since we all grew up together, it just seems wrong that I won't be able to see his lil ones since he won't have the chance to have any or meet his new wife since he won't have one of those either. Most of all, I feel the worst for his mother because I know that NO parent wants to bury their child. No parent wants to ever have to think about having their child die before them. They just think about or hoping that they raised their children well enough that they can survive on their own once they have gone from this earth. I don't ever want my daughter to have to go through that I just never wanted anyone to have to go through that. I think that is the worst thing aside from the fact that you're loosing a loved one in the first place. is that not only it's a loved one, but a person that hasn't had the chance to live yet. They haven't been able to see anything or experience the things that an adult would go through to make them the person they were meant to be. I just can't imagine anyone going through it and to see it happening so close to home...I mean I considered him to be my little brother even though we had our issues sometimes and we had times where we laughed together....There were times where we would be very close then others where we wouldn't even speak to one another for a few days....but I guess now we won't be "speaking" at all anymore. I guess that's the part that I'm going to hate even most is that we didn't get the chance to have the relationship that I would've liked. But I guess it's too late for that. Lord, I ask that you take care of William C. Payne, III that his soul can rest in peace knowing that he won't be in pain anymore. I wish that all is well with him and that he is in your loving arms as we speak. Amen.