Friday, April 05, 2013


Tonight, I've realized that I still have a lot more growth ahead of me. Personally, I feel as though I'm a work in progress anyway. I prefer to refer to my change & growth as an evolution of sorts seeing as my Under & Over-standing of things around me have truly evolved. One could only assume it would be a matter of time before I arrived in the mental & emotional space I'm in today. As I am ever evolving & don't plan on remaining on any single plateau for the rest of my days. 

Looking back over the last three years, I've evolved quite a bit just on my own. Not even taking into account the experiences that have acted as a catalyst for said evolution. The way I used to behave or respond to whatever came my way is totally different to how I would react nowadays. Some things that used to bother me don't even make it to my radar. It's been said that my demeanor is just "too cool" sometimes. I say I don't see the point in getting riled up by everything that comes my way. Sometimes, I just file things away as something to be paid attention to when other events present themselves. Kind of like an 'if/then' response.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Learning & Building

Building a lifelong bond with another has to be intentional. Getting to know someone intimately is a beautiful thing. Not in the carnal sense of course, but knowing their habits and the like. Being the natural people watcher I am, I enjoy learning what makes one tick. What makes them get out of bed in the morning & on their mind as their head hits the pillow. That type of thing. However, getting to that point of intimacy can prove to be an arduous task even in the realm of only building a friendship. Like many, what I'm looking for (need) is much deeper and more involved than that. Learning another is much like a chess game in that they watch your every move & counter (most times) accordingly.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

MMMM Coldstone

Feeling better today. I had to go find some dinner & decided to get some dessert from Coldstone. Lucky for me I was one of the last customers for the season, so the young lady gave me extra ice cream & gooo gobs of chocolate  YAY ME :)