Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Buy a T-Shirt - Citizen Change: Vote or DieI am SOOO MAD!! well not really mad that I missed the presidential debate the other day. I hear that Kerry did very well. I am just disappointed with the whole voting process right now I don't know what to do. I am registered to vote and I WILL be voting(hopefully there will be millions more aside from me) so maybe this time everything will go as it should this time. The 00' campaign was just crazy with all of the 'dimples' and all. Disappointed isn't even the word for what I felt when that whole thing went down. Truckloads TRUCKLOADS of votes not used, dead people voting, live voters turned away...I don't know about other cities, but in St. Louis it was crazy here. Hundreds of people turned away at the polls. Alot of peoples registration 'lost' or they 'didn't register'. Personally, I did know two people who's registration magically disappeared into oblivion when it came time for the presidential election. I had gotten my card and everything to vote and we registered at the same time too so I know that it should've went through. Then, when the next local election came around, those people got their cards like nothing happened. Craziness.....Just CRAZINESS

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